SCH Number 2024080159
Project Info
- Title
- CEQA-24-0010 (Olivehurst Roadway Climate Resiliency Project)
- Description
- Yuba County Public Work’s Department is requesting an Environmental Assessment to construct drainage infrastructure and establish a multi-modal transportation network along 13 road segments in the community of Olivehurst. The proposed project will eliminate the existing roadside ditches and install a new underground storm drain system sized to accommodate projected runoff from heavy rain events. This Project will connect to existing sidewalk and bicycle facilities throughout many of the remaining roads within the community of Olivehurst, improving the connectivity and safety of the communities’ multi-modal transportation network. Road segments within the Project Area include 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, 4th Avenue, 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue, 8th Avenue, 9th Avenue, 10th Avenue, 11th Avenue, Western Avenue, Beaver Lane, Canal Street, and Tulsa Avenue. The Project is expected to begin construction in the February 2026 and be fully constructed by August 2027.
2 documents in project