SCH Number 2024070784
Project Info
- Title
- Dale Townhomes Project
- Description
- The City of Buena Park (City) is processing a request to implement a series of discretionary actions that would ultimately allow for the demolition of a single 44,064 square-foot vacant commercial structure to allow for the development of a 93-unit, two- and three-story semi-attached townhomes (Project) located at 8030 Dale Avenue (APN: 070-501-01). The Project involves the construction of 14 two- and three-story buildings with 39 two-bedroom and 54 three-bedroom units, totaling 93 residential townhomes. The Project would total approximately 187,534 square feet of building space and would include attached two-car garages at ground level and one to two above ground floors of living space. The Project would include landscaping and green spaces throughout the site with specific landscaping along the east and south to buffer the Project from the single-family residential dwelling units. The Project proposes a General Plan Amendment (GP-23-1) to amend the existing General Plan Land Use designation from Commercial to High Density Residential; a Zone Change (Z-23-1) to amend the existing zoning district from CS (Commercial Shopping) to RM-20 (Medium-Density Multifamily Residential); a Tentative Tract Map (TT-24-1) to subdivide an existing parcel containing approximately 3.82-acres into a single lot for condominium purposes (93-unit townhomes); zand a Conditional Use Permit (CU-24-1) to review and permit the proposed 93-unit townhomes residential development and associated on-site improvements.
2 documents in project