SCH Number 2024070541
Project Info
- Title
- Atwater Bellevue Road Reconstruction/Realignment Project
- Description
- The City of Atwater, in partnership with the County of Merced (County), initiated a Project Study Report-Project Development Support (PSR-PDS) to evaluate improvements to a major collector road alignment that would help relieve congestion and improve traffic flow through the City along Bellevue Road. The City now proposes to move forward with right-of-way acquisition, improvement plan design, and construction of an approximately 1.6-mile-long, 4-lane arterial road in Merced County. The proposed road would begin between Olive Avenue and Grove Avenue, east of State Route 99. Bellevue Road would be realigned south of the existing Bellevue Road, then conform near the intersection of Parade Street and Bellevue Road. New intersection connections would be required at Vine Avenue and Orchard Park Avenue. The proposed Project would also include Class IV bike lanes. All improvements would be designed to the City of Atwater Standards. The proposed Project would provide connectivity between State Route 99 and the heart of Atwater, as well as the Castle Commerce Center located near the east side of the City. Currently, Bellevue Road is a public road, closed to the public (between Vine Avenue and Orchard Park) under a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) #3721 approved for Dole Packaged Foods between Vine Avenue and Orchard Park Avenue. This causes an additional 2.5 miles of travel to navigate to the State Route 99/West Side interchange from the City. The road realignment would provide a direct route and reduce VMT.
2 documents in project