SCH Number 2024060998
Project Info
- Title
- Sacramento River Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle (VELB) Conservation Bank
- Description
- The proposed project would provide a shrub-dominated riparian habitat for the federally listed Valley elderberry longhorn beetle (VELB; Desmocerus californicus dimorphus) within a 13.3-acre project site. The project would provide 329 compensatory mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts to VELB by developing suitable habitat that would be protected and maintained in perpetuity. It is designed to be consistent with the Conservation Guidelines for the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle (USFWS 1999); however, the design treats the site holistically and is intended to mimic a natural system. All site preparation would be conducted using traditional agricultural methods and equipment by WES staff and the onsite farmer. Minimal disking would occur to prepare the site and planting would occur by hand. During irrigation installation there may be the need for some light trenching, up to 12 inches in depth, maximum.
2 documents in project