SCH Number 2024060773
Project Info
- Title
- Napa County Airport Land Use Combability Plan (ALUCP) Update
- Description
- The ALUC is the body designated by State law to produce Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans in accordance with statutory guidance through a collaborative, community outreach process. The ALUC is responsible for adopting Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans for two public use airports in Napa County: Napa County Airport, and Angwin Airport (Parett Field). The Napa County ALUC comprises the five (5) Napa County Planning Commissioners and two (2) at-large members with aviation expertise, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The State of California mandated that each county create an ALUC with the authority to adopt ALUCPs in 1970. The Napa County ALUC was established in the 1970s (at that time consisting of the Planning Commission and Airport Advisory Committee). In April 1991 the ALUC adopted an ALUCP for the Napa County Airport and Angwin Airports; at that time there was also a glider port located in Calistoga which was included in the ALUCP, however, it is no longer in operation. With advances in technology, changes in airport operations and fleets, and revised guidance from the State, a revised ALUCP was adopted in December of 1999. The State recommends updating the ALUCP every 5-10 years; as such, staff is currently working to update the plan. With the purpose of promoting safety between our airports and the communities that surround them, the ALUC staff and the consulting firm, with aide of interested stakeholders, had updated the ALUCP. The update involved a multidisciplinary Project Development Team (PDT) consisting of staff representatives from Napa County, the ALUC, the Napa County Airport, City of Napa, the City of American Canyon, Pacific Union College and the aviation consulting firm (Mead & Hunt). ALUC Staff for Napa County have lead this ALUCP update in close coordination with the PDT team, Mead & Hunt, and the Caltrans Division of Aeronautics as well as community stakeholders and aviation/pilot organizations and individuals. A major focus of this update was to clarify and enhance the ALUCP policies to improve local implementation of the plan by local jurisdictions. Updating the ALUCP to reflect the fact that Calistoga Glider port is no longer in operation and all references removed from the Plan. The end goal of the ALUCP update is to employ a transparent decision-making process that results in community-wide acceptance of the ALUCP and adoption by the ALUC.
2 documents in project