SCH Number 2024060605

Project Info

West Valley Feeder No. 1 Stage 3 Improvements Project
The Project proposes modifications to the West Valley Feeder No. 1 (WVF1) structures at four locations along the pipeline alignment, construction of a new access road, and vehicle turn around areas within Chatsworth Park South. Pipeline structure modifications include relocating valve enclosures, installing protective bollards, enlarging manholes from six feet in diameter to seven feet with street-type lids, and replacing valve piping and fittings. The structure at Station 1407+45 requires regrading of a drainage slope and installing riprap to protect the pipeline structure from storm flows. At Stations 1415+37 and 1415+42, construction of a new, 13-foot by 9-foot vault structure is proposed to house existing buried valves. Additionally, the proposed Project includes the construction of an access road, vehicle turnaround areas, and access gates to accommodate a full-size maintenance truck. The road would provide access to the structures at Stations 1415+37 and 1415+42, with two vehicle turnaround areas located immediately adjacent to both locations. Retaining walls and v-ditches would be constructed along portions of the access road to protect the new road from erosion. The proposed access road would be approximately 14 feet wide and 600 feet in length, and providing for one-way vehicle traffic. Construction staging and storage would occur on or adjacent open dirt roads within Chatsworth Park South. Operations and maintenance activities at the West Valley Feeder No. 1, including the frequency of staff visits, maintenance, and shutdowns, would be similar to existing conditions once construction activities are completed.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California West Valley Feeder No. 1 Stage 3 Improvements Project
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California West Valley Feeder No. 1 Stage 3 Improvements Project