SCH Number 2024060557
Project Info
- Title
- Chaminade College Preparatory, High School Project (ENV-2023-1255-MND)
- Description
- The Project Applicant proposes to update and expand the existing high school campus with a revised campus plan located at 7500 North Chaminade Avenue, 23241 West Cohasset Street, 23260 West Saticoy Street, 23217-23255 West Saticoy Street, and 7619-7629 North Woodlake Avenue in West Hills (the Project Site). The revised campus plan (the Project) would include a total lot area of approximately 25.86 acres, inclusive of: 1) a new three-story school building (Multistory Building), updated parking areas, remodeled athletic fields, new student quads, and renovated classrooms, student service centers and offices on the existing campus located on approximately 21.03 acres in the A1-1 and RS-1 zones, at 7500 North Chaminade Avenue, 23241 West Cohasset Street, and 23260 West Saticoy Street (Main Campus); 2) an expanded school campus area of approximately 4.83 acres located across Saticoy Street, at 23217-23255 West Saticoy Street and North 7619-7629 Woodlake Avenue, proposed for new athletic fields, an aquatic center/outdoor swimming pool, accessory facilities/structures and associated surface parking facilities, in the proposed C2-1 Zone (the North Campus); and 3) a new pedestrian bridge across Saticoy Street. No increase in the maximum permitted student enrollment (1,360 students) is proposed. Upon Project completion, the revised campus plan for the high school would include a total of approx.196,468 square feet of floor area equating to a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.17:1 and will have 501 on-site vehicle parking spaces and 78 bicycle parking spaces (76 short-term spaces and 2 long-term spaces). Grading for the North Campus would require approximately 720 cubic yards of soil export, and grading for the Main Campus would require approximately 17,800 cubic yards of soil export.
2 documents in project