SCH Number 2024060244

Project Info

El Dorado Irrigation District Temporary Reservoir Re-operation Water Transfer
The El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) proposes to transfer up to 4,300 acre-feet (AF) of water to federal and/or state water contractors south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 2024. EID would make the water available through re-operations of Weber Reservoir, Caples Lake, and Silver Lake to release water otherwise planned to be consumed by EID customers and/or stored within the EID network of reservoirs. The involved reservoirs and rivers/creeks would all operate consistent with their historic flow and release schedules, and would meet all applicable rules and requirements, including but not limited to lake level, minimum streamflow, and ramping rate requirements. The proposed 4,300-AF transfer quantity would consist of releases from Weber Reservoir (up to 750 AF) that would otherwise remain in Weber Reservoir and releases from Caples and Silver lakes (up to a combined total of 3,550 AF) that would otherwise be released for immediate consumptive use and/or conveyance into Jenkinson Lake. EID would rely on water stored in Jenkinson Lake to meet consumptive demands during the transfer period in lieu of using water from Caples and Silver lakes.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
El Dorado Irrigation District El Dorado Irrigation District Temporary Reservoir Re-operation Water Transfer
El Dorado Irrigation District El Dorado Irrigation District Temporary Reservoir Re-operation Water Transfer