SCH Number 2024050531
Project Info
- Title
- 908 Ocean Street Mixed-Use Development
- Description
- The project consists of Residential and Non-Residential Demolition Authorization Permits, Heritage Tree Removal Permit, Minor Land Division, Design Permit, Special Use Permit, and Density Bonus Request to demolish nine commercial buildings (approximately 29,431 square feet [sf]) and 12 residential units, remove of 13 heritage, and construct a mixed-use development with 389 residential units and 9,570 square feet of commercial space. The project is requesting a 42.5% density bonus from a base density project of 273 units. The existing 21 parcels would be combined into one parcel, totaling 14.5-acres. Each of the three buildings will be on a separate condominium lot; the total number of lots will be four (three condominium lots and one common lot) that comprises the proposed Minor Land Division.
2 documents in project