SCH Number 2024050478

Project Info

Mittry Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Land Use Ordinance Amendment (LRP2021-00006/ SUB2023-00013 ED24-028)
The proposed project is a request by Mittry Farms Trust (applicant) for a Land Use Ordinance Amendment (LRP2021-00006) to amend Planning Area Standards set forth in Land Use Ordinance (LUO) Section 22.94.080 and the Community Planning Standards set forth in County LUO Section 22.104.090.C.5 to include Residential Single-Family as an allowable principal use on a 10.02-acre parcel (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN] 040-201-033; herein referred to as project site). The proposed amendment would allow development of single-family dwellings on the project site through Conditional Use Permit approval. The project includes the concurrent processing of a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) and CUP to subdivide the project site into 23 lots and facilitate the construction of 22 single-family residential units, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and associated site improvements. The project would be located at 301 North Main Street in the unincorporated community of Templeton. The project site is located approximately 60 feet east of U.S. Highway 101 (US 101), within the Commercial Retail (CR) land use category within the Salinas River Sub-area of the North County Planning Area.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Mittry Land Use Ordinance Amendment (LRP2021-00006), Vesting Tentative Tract Map (N-SUB2023-00013), and Conditional Use Permit (N-DRC2023-00057); ED24-028
San Luis Obispo County Mittry Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Land Use Ordinance Amendment (LRP2021-00006/ SUB2023-00013 ED24-028)