SCH Number 2024050399
Project Info
- Title
- DTLA South Park Properties Sites 2 and 3 Project
- Description
- story mixed-use building containing 536 dwelling units and 4,178 square feet of ground floor commercial space. The Site 2 Development would include a total floor area of 491,515 square feet with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 9.13:1. The Site 2 Development would provide 581 automobile parking spaces for residential use in six (6) levels of subterranean parking and four (4) levels of above-grade parking podium. The Project at Site 2 would require approximately 118,543 cubic yards (cy) of soil to be exported. The proposed development at Site 3 includes the demolition of an existing surface parking lot; export of approximately 156,232 cubic yards of earth; and construction, use, and maintenance of a 60-story mixed-use building containing 713 dwelling units and 11,277 square feet of ground floor commercial space. The Site 3 Development would include a total floor area of 608,977 square feet with an FAR of 9:1. The Site 3 Development would provide 764 automobile parking spaces for residential use in six (6) levels of subterranean parking and four (4) levels of above-grade parking podium.
2 documents in project