SCH Number 2024050170

Project Info

Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Projects: Upper Conner Creek Site (River Mile 77.1 to 78.5) and Sawmill Gravel Processing Site (River Mile 108.9 to 109.75)
The purpose of the Project is to increase salmon and steelhead habitat downstream of Lewiston Dam on the mainstem Trinity River. The intended project outcome is the immediate and notable improvement of salmonid habitat for all life stages through creation of large areas with suitable flow depth, velocity, and cover. The UCC and Sawmill rehabilitation actions would restore a dynamic floodplain and habitat and, on a smaller scale, facilitate the dynamic fluvial geomorphic processes that existed before Lewiston and Trinity dams were completed. Project design objectives include physical, biological, and riparian outcomes. This work is within the scope of the Master EIR for channel rehabilitation and sediment management for remaining phase 1 and phase 2 sites (State Clearinghouse #2008032110)
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region 1 (RWQCB) Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Projects: Upper Conner Creek Site (River Mile 77.1 to 78.5) and Sawmill Gravel Processing Site (River Mile 108.9 to 109.75)
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region 1 (RWQCB) Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Sites: Upper Conner Creek Site (River Mile 77.1 to 78.5) and Sawmill Gravel Processing Site (River Mile 108.9 to 109.75)