SCH Number 2024041297

Project Info

CUP 22-06 NOI Recirculation
The applicant is proposing to establish a commercial composting facility in 2 phases. Phase 1 proposes to establish a commercial composting facility, truck scale, manufactured building to be use as an office, and a new wastewater retention pond. Phase 2 proposes to establish an incidental truck wash not open to the public. The project is located at 201 11 Excelsior Ave., Riverdale, Assessor's Parcel Number 004-062-003.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Kings County Conditional Use Permit No. 22-06 (Thomas Compost)
Kings County CUP 22-06 NOI Recirculation
Kings County CUP 22-06 (Thomas Compost)