SCH Number 2024040320

Project Info

Connect Coachella
Connect Coachella consists of the addition of two non-motorized bicycle routes in the City of Coachella. The “North-South” route will be a Class 1 bike path extending approximately 3.8 miles along the east side of Grapefruit Boulevard from Avenue 48 south to Avenue 54. This will incorporate an existing bike path which begins at Avenue 50 and ends at 9th Street. The “East-West” route of the Project will include 3.2 miles of new Class II bike lanes along both the north and south sides of Avenue 54 beginning at Van Buren Street, crossing Grapefruit Boulevard, and ending at the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel where the Project will meet the future CV Link path. A shorter .08-mile Class I bike path extension is proposed on the south side of Avenue 48 starting from the southeast corner of the Dillon Road intersection and ending at the southeast corner of the Grapefruit Boulevard intersection. The Project also proposes numerous improvements to intersections and roadways throughout the routes. New crosswalks and ADA curb ramps will be installed at various intersections to provide safer and more visible non-motorized access between the bike paths, services, and residential districts. A new roundabout with median dividers is proposed for the Grapefruit Boulevard/Tyler Street intersection. New road striping delineating the bike lanes will be applied throughout the routes as well as new multilane striping and directional arrows to help guide motorized traffic. A new railroad crossing for pedestrians and other non-motorized transport will be constructed where Avenue 54 crosses the Union Pacific Railroad. Additionally, new signs and posts will be installed along the routes.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Coachella Connect Coachella Bike Lane Project
City of Coachella Connect Coachella