SCH Number 2024040116
Project Info
- Title
- Recharge Basin Phase II Project
- Description
- The District is proposing to construct three recharge basins in Fresno County within the boundary of the District. The Project would assist the District in expanding its groundwater recharge efforts. The three basins proposed would range in size from 20 to 80 acres (154 acres in total). The Project Area of Potential Affect (APE) for biological and cultural surveys is identified as 154 acres. The proposed benefits of all three basins includes recharge, new storage of floodwater, providing new habitat for waterfowl and to assist the District to maintain its commitments to the Kings River fisheries management program by providing place for fish management water to be diverted in dry years. These basins are all in a critical location for the District to perform recharge and would capture and use storm and flood water supplies available to the District. The following components would be consistent at each basin site: • Basin depth would be up to 20 feet below ground surface. • Up to two monitoring wells, • Metering stand and flow meter, • Perimeter fencing- cattle fence, • Excavation would be balanced onsite or exported offsite, as needed, • Up to two recovery wells and discharge pipeline to deliver ~5 cubic feet per second to adjacent existing FID infrastructure (canal or pipeline). • Maximum berm height of 6 feet measured from the lowest point at the downstream toe of the berm to its maximum storage elevation, which is typically the spillway crest. Specific details that are unique to each recharge basin are outlined below. Krum Recharge Basin: The Project includes construction of a new 54-acre recharge basin, including earthwork and structures located near the intersection of N. Hayes Avenue and W. McKenzie Avenue, identified as APN 326-040-23S in Fresno County (see Figure 2 4). The property is currently vacant and clear of vegetation. The District owns the conveyance canal, Houghton No. 78, crossing the Project site. The Project would provide approximately 220 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approximately 1,320 AF/year annual average. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Houghton No. 78 Canal which exists to the south. • Basin outlet structure. • Two existing well sites that would be properly abandoned or used for monitoring wells. • The concrete structure below ground surface would be removed. • Access is off Hayes Avenue. Laub Recharge Basin The Project includes construction of a new 80-acre recharge basin including earthwork and structures located near the intersection of S. Marks Avenue and W. American Avenue, identified as APN 035-300-41S in Fresno County (see Figure 2 5). The land has been previously cleared of vines and the APE would extend along the east side of the Central No. 23 District-owned canal. The Project would provide approximately 300 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approximately 1,800 AF/year annual average. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Central Canal No. 23 which is existing to the west. • Basin outlet structure. • Access would be off Marks Avenue. Crossland Recharge Basin The Project includes construction of a new 20-acre recharge basin including earthwork and structures, located near the intersection of De Wolf Avenue and East Butler Avenue, identified as APNs 313-410-025 and -026, in Fresno County (see Figure 2 6). The Project site has been cleared and is vacant. The APE is located south of the Hansen No. 29 Canal. The Project would provide approximately 80 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approximately 480 AF/year annual average. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Hansen No. 29 Canal which exists to the north. • Basin outlet structure. • Access would be off DeWolf Avenue and the Hansen Canal. Construction Construction of each of the basin sites is anticipated to be completed over approximately six months. The Project parcels have been and/or would be cleared of vegetation, fencing, structures, and other debris. The Project includes mobilization, site preparation, berm construction surrounding the basins; earthwork and structures placement; Project turnout(s), metering stands, diversion check structures, intrabasin and basin outfall structures. New berm construction would not exceed six feet, measured from the exterior toe to the top of new levee. For the canal connections to the proposed basins, FID would cut a notch (less than 50-ft wide) in the existing canal wall, insert a pipeline, and put up one outlet structure, pre-cast concrete ideally or cast in place into canal. The Project may include ponds/cells within the basins separated by berms. After construction completion, performance testing and demobilization would occur. Equipment Construction equipment would likely include the following equipment used during construction: • Excavators, • Backhoes, • Graders, • Skid steers, • Loaders, • Hauling trucks, • Scrapers, • Sheep’s foot compactors (Large and Small dependent on area conditions), • D9 dozer, • large tractor and large discing unit, • Water trucks supplying water for dust control and conditioning soil for compaction, and • Large watercannon and hoses. Post-construction activities would include system testing, commissioning, and site clean-up. Construction would require temporary staging and storage of materials and equipment. Staging areas would be located onsite. Operation and Maintenance Each of the proposed basin sites include construction of a recovery well and monitoring wells to assist the District with monitoring and managing the groundwater recharge basins and levels. The District’s operation of the basins would be consistent with the District’s other similar facilities in that groundwater conditions would be monitored to minimize negative impacts on the surrounding areas (such as nearby wells, crops, and septic systems).
2 documents in project