SCH Number 2024031178

Project Info

PLNP2021-00275 Maverik Gas Station and Convenience
The proposed Maverik Gas Station and Convenience Store Project (Project or proposed project) consists of developing a convenience store with fuel sales, including diesel fueling for heavy commercial vehicles, and a shared 'bypass' road, on a 4.51-acre, undeveloped site located at the northwest corner of South Watt Avenue and Jackson Road. The project consists of the following planning entitlement requests: 1. A Conditional Use Permit (UPB) from the Board of Supervisors for a new auto service station per SZC§3.2.5, Table 3.1. 2. A Special Development Permit (SPPadd) to authorize 120% of the maximum cumulative sign area, to 150 square feet (sf) from 125 sf, per SZC§5.10.5.A.3.a. 3. A Boundary Line Adjustment (BLR) to expand the boundaries of an existing lot, which as proposed would result in a 3.81-acre Parcel ‘A’ (from 6.58 acres) to accommodate all proposed development, and an 8.99-acre Parcel ‘B’ (from 8.12 acres), and an 83.63-acre Parcel ‘C’ (from 81.73 acres). 4. An Abandonment (ABB) of a public road and public utility easements for a never-realized portion of Manlove Road. 5. A Development Plan Review (DRS-major) to ensure compliance with the standards of the SZC Title V, Cordova Industrial Uses Neighborhood Preservation Area, § 530-23 Development Plan Review and the Countywide Design Guidelines.
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Sacramento County PLNP2021-00275 Maverik Gas Station and Convenience
Sacramento County PLNP2021-00275 Maverik Gas Station and Convenience