SCH Number 2024030835

Project Info

Mossdale Landing West Specific Plan
The Mossdale Landing West Specific Plan (Specific Plan or Project) would include the construction and associated operation of up to 912 residential units with associated park, circulation, and utility improvements over five phases. The Specific Plan provides a total of 829 dwelling units, which creates a density of 5.43 dwelling units / acre. However, to provide a residential unit buffer, a maximum of 912 units are assumed in this analysis. As such, the analysis is conservative as the number of units constructed at buildout would likely be closer to 829, as shown on the Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map. The Mossdale Landing West Specific Plan is based upon the Mossdale Village plan and policies. See the Ch. 2 of the DEIR for the full description.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lathrop Mossdale Landing West Specific Plan
City of Lathrop Mossdale Landing West Specific Plan