SCH Number 2024030598
Project Info
- Title
- 1471 E Main St - Multiple Family Residential Project
- Description
- Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for a 10,989 square foot, nine-unit, multi-family residential development including a surface parking lot, recreation and landscaped areas, and trash enclosure, among other private and public improvements. The project includes a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Zone Reclassification (ZR), Lot Line Adjustment (LLA), and Site Development Plan (SDP) permit. The GPA proposes to change the existing land use from General Commercial to Medium Density Residential; the ZR proposes to reclassify the zone from Residential, Single-family (RS-6) to Residential, Multi-family (RM-2200). The project site is .37 acres and is currently vacant. The project requests a density bonus pursuant to Government Code section 65915(f)(4).
2 documents in project