SCH Number 2024030581

Project Info

Initial Study No. 7906 – Arroyo Pasajero Bridge Replacement Project
The project proposes to replace an existing bridge with deteriorated foundations, with a new bridge that meets current structural and geometric standards of, the County of Fresno, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The project entails the replacement of an existing bridge with a new structurally superior bridge built to current standards. The existing bridge was constructed in 1970, and spans Arroyo Passajero (Los Gatos Creek). Due to scouring the underlying foundation of the bridge has deteriorated and requires replacement. The new bridge will be longer by approximately 98 feet, and will be raised vertically, and add shoulders, however no new travel lanes will be added. The existing bridge is approximately 152 feet long and 55.5 feet wide, comprised of two 15-foot-wide travel lanes with no shoulders; the bridge is constructed of prestressed concrete in a T-Beam design and is a deck type concrete cast-in-place. The proposed replacement bridge will be a concrete, two-lane structure, approximately 250 feet long and 32 feet wide, and will have two 12-foot-wide travel lanes and two 4-foot-wide shoulders. There will be no change in horizontal alignment, however the replacement bridge will be raised approximately 6 feet at the crossing due to the current bridge being at a sag point in the roadway. Project construction would involve, demolition, excavation, pile drilling/driving, and rock slope protection are included in the scope of work. Construction activities would occur during normal working hours, Monday through Friday, and would comply with Fresno County’s Noise Ordinance and Caltrans Standard Specifications for noise. The project site is located on S. El Dorado Avenue, approximately one half-mile south of Phelps Avenue and approximately seven (7) miles east of the City of Coalinga.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Fresno County IS 7906 - HBP Arroyo Pasajero Bridge Replacement
Fresno County Initial Study No. 7906 – Arroyo Pasajero Bridge Replacement Project