SCH Number 2024030576

Project Info

Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission City of Grass Valley Sphere of Influence Plan Update
Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) has determined that an Initial Study/Negative Declaration is the appropriate level of environmental review for the City of Grass Valley Sphere of Influence (SOI) Plan Update (proposed project).The proposed project analyses the SOI Plan Update for the City Grass Valley which includes SOI areas. The SOI is partitioned into two planning horizons which reflect an anticipated schedule for probable annexation; the Near Term Sphere (area anticipated to be annexed within approximately five years) and the Long Term Sphere (areas anticipated to be annexed within approximately 20 years). The SOI Plan Update also considers Areas of Interest (AOI’s); areas not anticipated to be annexed, but if development proposals are received by the County, the City will be notified and consulted. The proposed project does not propose any new development, nor would it result in the permitting or entitlement of any development or alter any existing planning efforts.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission City of Grass Valley Sphere of Influence Plan Update
Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) (LAFCO) Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission City of Grass Valley Sphere of Influence Plan Update