SCH Number 2024020747

Project Info

Enderle Center Rezone Project
The City is proposing an overlay zone (“overlay district”) for the Project site in order to add 413 housing units. The City is proposing a GPA to establish that higher density residential uses are allowed in the Planned Community Commercial/Business (PCCB) land use designation, when prescribed by either a Housing Overlay (HO) district or by a Specific Plan. The anticipated development does not rely on the demolition of any existing buildings, but rather focuses on areas currently used for surface parking. Additionally, the Project anticipates the additional development of 118,467 square feet of nonresidential uses in the future, for a total nonresidential development capacity of 205,603 square feet on the Project site, pursuant to the General Plan. A specific development project is not proposed as part of this Rezoning Project.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Tustin Enderle Center Rezone Project
City of Tustin Enderle Center Rezone Project
City of Tustin Enderle Center Rezone Project
City of Tustin Enderle Center Rezone Project