SCH Number 2024020540

Project Info

1313 South Wolfe Road General Plan Amendment & Rezoning Project
The 1.76-acre (or 76,666 square foot) project site consists of three parcels (Accessor’s Parcel Numbers [APN] 309-10-015, 309-10-026, and 309-10-027) and is located on the southwest corner of South Wolfe Road and East Fremont Avenue at 1313 South Wolfe Road and 898 East Fremont Avenue in the City of Sunnyvale. The project proposes a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and rezoning to allow future development of multi-family residential and commercial uses on-site. The project proposes to change the General Plan land use designation of the site from Commercial to High Density Residential. The proposed High Density Residential land use designation allows a density of 25 to 36 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The project also proposes to rezone the site from Neighborhood Business (C-1) to High Density Residential (R-4) with a MU Mixed Use (MU) combining district overlain on the site. The proposed R-4 zoning district supports residential uses with a maximum density of 36 du/ac. There is no specific development application on file at this time associated with the proposed project. However, unrelated to this project, there is a development application on file for a portion of the site (APN 309-10-015) to redevelop the existing gas station at 878 East Fremont Avenue into a new gas station with a convenience store and quick service restaurant (Project file # 2016- 7978), which is evaluated in a separate environmental document. The analysis in the Initial Study for the proposed GPA and rezoning is generally programmatic in nature. For the purpose of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration analysis, it was assumed the project would result in demolition of the existing restaurant, gas station, and landscaping on-site and construction of a 70-foot tall, mixed-use building with 62 multi-family residential units and 7,579 square feet of ground floor commercial space, consistent with the development standards (e.g., setbacks and building height) of the proposed zoning. This future development would result in a density of 35.2 du/ac, consistent with the proposed land use and zoning designation. Refer to the Initial Study for additional details on the project assumptions.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sunnyvale 1313 South Wolfe Road General Plan Amendment & Rezoning
City of Sunnyvale 1313 South Wolfe Road General Plan Amendment & Rezoning Project