SCH Number 2024020089

Project Info

PLNP2021-00156 10635 Twin Cities Road Tentative Parcel Map (TPM)
The project is requesting the following entitlements: 1. A Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 4.33-acre parcel into two parcels, including a 2.33 net acre parcel and another 1.9 net acre area parcel. 2. A Design Review to comply with the Countywide Design Guidelines. The project proposes to divide a single 4.33-acre parcel into two parcels, including a 2.33 net acre parcel and another 1.9 net acre area parcel. The existing 4.33-acre parcel contains a single-family residence and four accessory structures. The existing single-family residence and four accessory structures would remain on the parcel. Currently, the single-family residence is accessed via a driveway connecting to Twin Cities Road. The applicant is proposing an access easement on the west side of the proposed parcel 2 to access proposed Parcel 1. The easement will be developed with a private drive in the future.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento County PLNP2021-00156 10635 Twin Cities Road Tentative Parcel Map (TPM)
Sacramento County PLNP2021-00156 10635 Twin Cities Road Tentative Parcel Map (TPM)