SCH Number 2024010532

Project Info

Wadulh Lagoon Tidal Wetland Enhancement
The Project is designed to benefit native fish, wildlife, and plant species by restoring tidal process and ecosystem function to a diked agricultural pasture. The parcel where the Project will occur was purchased by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in 2010 and was transferred to the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2023 and is part of the Lanphere Dunes Unit of the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The Project includes 1) breaching and lowering approximately 2,000 linear feet of the Mad River Slough Levee, 2) excavating and grading 3.5 acres of low-lying areas of the pasture to elevations that will support eelgrass (Zostera marina), 3) excavating a tidal channel network, 4) placing approximately 27,000 cubic yards of native fill to raise low-lying areas to elevations that will support salt marsh, 5) constructing two cross levees, and 6) removal of invasive plant species. The completed project will restore and protect 62.1 acres of intertidal salt marsh, brackish marsh, freshwater emergent wetlands, and fringe wetlands.
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Humboldt County Resource Conservation District Wadulh Lagoon Tidal Wetland Enhancement Project
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District Wadulh Lagoon Tidal Wetland Enhancement