SCH Number 2024010248
Project Info
- Title
- Four New Coachella Valley Trails Project
- Description
- The Project consists of designating four new recreational trails in Coachella Valley for pedestrian use, as well as other non-motorized uses such as equestrian, dog walking, or mountain biking where these other uses are allowed under local ordinance or landowner regulations. Each trailhead would have a visitor information sign on the edge of the parking area that would provide a map of the designated trail, applicable regulations, contact information, and information about sensitive resources in the area. No paved parking areas or trails are proposed, and no fencing would be installed around parking or trailhead areas. Trail markers and related signs would be installed, as necessary, to facilitate public use of the area and reduce resource impacts. Trail construction would be minimal as these trails use existing roads or social trails and would be completed by a trail crew utilizing hand tools and low-impact trail construction and maintenance methods/equipment. Project development is anticipated to be initiated within six months of a finalized environmental review process.
2 documents in project