SCH Number 2024010207

Project Info

Northern San Joaquin 230 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project
The Project would loop the existing overhead PG&E Brighton-Bellota 230 kV transmission line through an expanded PG&E Lockeford Substation and install a new overhead double-circuit 230 kV transmission line between PG&E Lockeford Substation and the proposed PG&E Thurman Switching Station at LEU’s existing Industrial Substation. LEU would construct the LEU Guild Substation, a new 230/60 kV substation, between its LEU Industrial Substation and the new PG&E Thurman Switching Station. At the LEU Guild Substation, the new PG&E 230 kV transmission line would terminate, and LEU transformers would step down the power from 230 kV to 60 kV to connect with the LEU Industrial Substation.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Northern San Joaquin 230 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Northern San Joaquin 230 Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project