SCH Number 2024010027

Project Info

Tirsbeck Surplus Property and Right-of-Way Vacation and Local Coastal Program Amendment
The applicant is requesting the City of Eureka surplus and convey a City-owned 20-foot x 30-foot (600 square foot [sf]) landlocked parcel (APN 003-182-013) to the adjoining property owner (Alan Tirsbeck; APN 003-182-005; 2000 Broadway), and vacate an alley easement over APNs 003-182-013 and -014. The two parcels together are known as “the Notch” and were created in the distant past for a 20-foot-wide public alley, which was never developed. Future development and use of the Notch will be combined with the surrounding larger 2000 Broadway parcel. Additionally, the applicant is proposing a Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment to change the Land Use Plan (LUP) (i.e. Coastal General Plan) and Implementation Plan (i.e. Coastal Zoning Code) land use and zoning designations on the parcel adjacent to and west of 2000 Broadway, 936 W. Hawthorne Street (APN 003-182-010). The LCP Amendment would change the land use and zoning designations at 936 W. Hawthorne Street from General Industrial (GI)/General Industrial (MG) to General Service Commercial (GSC)/Service Commercial (CS). 2000 Broadway currently has GSC/CS land use/zoning designations; therefore, changing the designations of 936 W. Hawthorne Street would allow the two adjoining parcels under the same ownership to have consistent land use and zoning designations which would allow for the redevelopment of both parcels with new commercial and/or residential uses not allowed on the W. Hawthorne Street parcel under the current industrial land use/zoning designations. Although there is no specific development project at this time, the entire 3.18-acre property could be redeveloped consistent with the allowed uses and development standards of the CS zoning designation, and the current intent is to redevelop 2000 Broadway and 936 W Hawthorne Street together with new retail and service commercial uses. The project site includes land designated as hazardous waste property pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15072(g)(5), and any ground disturbance is subject to the provision of an approved Soil and Groundwater Management Contingency Plan.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Eureka Tirsbeck Surplus Property and Right-of-Way Vacation and LCP Amendment
City of Eureka Tirsbeck Surplus Property and Right-of-Way Vacation and Local Coastal Program Amendment