SCH Number 2023120648

Project Info

Site Plan Review No. 22-014/Lot Line Adjustment No. 23-004
The proposed project consists of an application for a Site Plan Review (SPR No. 22-14), and a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) No. 23-004 to merge the two lots. SPR 22-14 would allow for the construction and operation of one building proposed for light industrial and general warehousing uses with a total building area of 217,700 square feet. The proposed project also consists of 0.57-acre to extend Avenue L-4 from the eastern boundary of the site to the western boundary of the site. The project site is generally located west of Sierra Highway, north of Avenue L-4, and south of Avenue L. The building would have a total building area of 217,700 square feet (sf), consisting of 215,200 sf of warehouse space and 2,500 sf of ground floor office space, with 28 dock doors positioned on the western façade of the building. The building would be constructed of concrete tilt-up panels and are proposed to be painted in shades of white and gray with blue accents. Blue glazing (glass) would occur at the southern façade building corners. The proposed building would have a variable roofline with a maximum height of approximately 46.6 feet. Other physical features include drive aisles, parking areas, truck courts, access gates, landscaping, a retention basin, lighting, screening walls, fencing, and signage. Access to the building would be provided via two gated entrances extending from Avenue L-4. Parking lots for passenger vehicles are designed along the northern and eastern sides of the building and would provide a total of 122 passenger vehicle parking spaces including ADA accessible and electric vehicle charging spaces. Additional spaces for truck and trailer parking would be located along the western side of the building, and would provide a total of 38 trailer stalls. A retention basin is designed to be located along the western portion of the project site. Landscaping is proposed along the boundaries of the project site, along the building perimeters, and in the passenger vehicle parking areas and consists of a mixture of trees, shrubs, groundcover and accent plants. The building is proposed on a speculative basis, meaning that the user of the building is not yet known. Operational characteristics assumed and that are typical of light industrial and general warehousing building operations include hours of operation extending to 24 hour per day, 7 days per week, vehicle movements in the drive aisles and parking areas, employee and visitor activity, and the loading and unloading of trailers at the loading docks located in the screened and secured truck court area. Location: The project site is approximately 10.56 acres at Wall Street and Avenue L-4 in the City of Lancaster. Specifically, the project is located on Assessor Parcel Numbers 3128-007-015 and 3128-007-024.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lancaster Avenue L-4 Property Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-034-05 (ITP))
City of Lancaster Site Plan Review No. 22-014
City of Lancaster Site Plan Review No. 22-014/Lot Line Adjustment No. 23-004