SCH Number 2023110530

Project Info

Foster Bridge and Bluff Community Residential Project
The City of Downey received an application from The Olson Company to construct a 33-unit townhouse development on a 1.29-acre site located at 7360 Foster Bridge Boulevard (Assessor’s Parcel Number: 6358-015-058) in the northwestern portion of the City of Downey, California. The project site is located at the northwest corner of Foster Bridge Boulevard and Suva Street, adjacent to the Rio Hondo River and Trail to the south. The project application includes Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 84168, a General Plan Amendment, a Zone Change, and demolition of the existing onsite church and parking lot. The project proposes to change the General Plan land use designation of the site to medium Density Residential (MDR) which allows up to 24 units/acre and change its zoning classification to Multi-Family Residential Ownership Zone (R-3-O) which allows up to 22 units/acre. The project will be gated and proposes a density of 20.6 units/gross acre. The proposed multi-family townhouse development includes five different unit designs, all with 3 bedrooms. The maximum building height for the proposed project is 36 feet, or 3 stories. Vehicle access to the project will be provided via two gated entrances. The gated entrance located at the northeastern corner of the project site off of Foster Bridge Boulevard will be 26 feet wide and is accessible by vehicles and pedestrians, while the gate off of Suva Street will be for emergency vehicles only. The project will include various kinds of private open space, landscaping, and walls and fences. The project site currently supports an operating church (“TLG House”) with a parking lot but no school/pre-school uses. Surrounding uses include single family residential to the north, east, and southeast, multi-family residential to the south, and self-storage to the west.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Downey Foster Bridge and Bluff Community Residential Project
City of Downey Foster Bridge and Bluff Community Residential Project
City of Downey Foster Bridge and Bluff Community Residential Project