SCH Number 2023110513
Project Info
- Title
- Coyote Creek Flood Protection Project
- Description
- Valley Water proposes to construct and maintain a series of flood risk reduction improvements to reduce the risk of flooding in urban areas along approximately 9 miles of Coyote Creek in the City of San José (City), Santa Clara County, California. The improvements would be implemented along Reaches 4 through 8 of Coyote Creek from the Montague Expressway to Tully Road in the City. Flood risk reduction improvements identified for the project primarily consist of floodwalls, passive barriers, and berms that would be constructed along and adjacent to Coyote Creek. The project also includes construction of headwalls and wingwalls along the Charcot Avenue Bridge crossing and reinforcement of the bridge structure, and installation of flap gates within the City’s stormwater conveyance system to prevent backflows during flooding events. The proposed project would meet the following specific objectives: - Reduce the risk of flooding to homes, schools, businesses, and transportation infrastructure along Coyote Creek between Montague Expressway and Tully Road from a flood event equivalent to the February 21, 2017, flood (approximately a 20-year flood event); - Complete the project before the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project Stage 2 Diversion is in operation (estimated in 2028); - Design the project to prevent increases in erosion and degradation of Coyote Creek; - Maintain access and minimize impacts to existing and planned recreation facilities; and, - Minimize the need for future operations and maintenance activities.
3 documents in project