SCH Number 2023110279

Project Info

I-15/SR-74 (Central Avenue) Interchange Improvement Project Draft Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment
The City of Lake Elsinore (City), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), is proposing to improve the Interstate 15 (I-15)/State Route 74 (SR-74) interchange located in the City of Lake Elsinore, California, to reduce traffic congestion, improve operations, and comply with current Caltrans and local agency design standards. Three alternatives are being evaluated as a part of the I-15/SR-74 Interchange Improvement Project (Project): Alternative 1 (No-Build), Alternative 2 (Northbound [NB] Hook Ramps), and Alternative 3 (NB Hook Ramps with NB Loop Off-Ramp to Westbound [WB] SR-74). Alternative 2 (NB Hook Ramps) and Alternative 3 (NB Hook Ramps with NB Loop Off-Ramp to WB SR-74) would improve traffic operations and reduce congestion at the I-15/SR-74 interchange and local intersections within the Project limits. Specifically, the Project would accommodate current and Horizon Year (2045) traffic volumes on the I-15 and SR-74 corridors resulting from projected growth in the area. The proposed improvements along I-15 are from Postmile (PM) 21.6 to 23.5 in the City of Lake Elsinore in Riverside County.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lake Elsinore I-15/SR-74 Interchange Improvement Project
City of Lake Elsinore I-15/SR-74 (Central Avenue) Interchange Improvement Project Draft Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment