SCH Number 2023110138

Project Info

City of Dixon Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project
The City of Dixon previously upgraded the WWTF in 2017 under the City of Dixon Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project. The 2017 upgrades were analyzed under a separate CEQA IS/MND process (SCH#2014012034). The purpose of the 2017 WWTF project was to replace aged facilities with modern water treatment technologies, conserve water by minimizing water evaporation during treatment, improve water quality, and upgrade the WWTF to accommodate an average dry weather flow (ADWF) of 1.92 million gallons per day (Mgal/d). Since the 2017 WWTF upgrades, the City of Dixon General Plan was updated and adopted in May 2021. The proposed Project would expand the WWTF to meet the buildout capacity projections based on land use designations contemplated in the updated City of Dixon 2040 General Plan. The WWTF upgrades would occur within the existing WWTF footprint and would be designed to accommodate 3.3 Mgal/d ADWF. The proposed Project would include improvements to the influent pump station and headworks, secondary treatment system, effluent pumping and piping, solids handling, plant water design, and maintenance building.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Dixon City of Dixon Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project
City of Dixon City of Dixon Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project