SCH Number 2023100687

Project Info

US 395 & Air Expressway Auto & Truck Fueling and Commercial Center (CUP 22-24 and LDP 22-18)
The proposed project would involve the construction and operation of an auto and truck fueling and commercial center. The commercial center development would consist of two parcels totaling 4.65-acres (202,605 square feet). The proposed development would include a new retail building (a food mart) consisting of 4,960 square feet and a second floor office and storage area consisting of 1,200 square feet; two covered fuel dispensing areas consisting of 6 pumps for trucks and a second fueling area consisting of 9 pumps for smaller vehicles; and a 4,883 square foot building that would include a 2,600 square foot quick serve restaurant (QSR) and a 2,283 square foot retail space. Underground storage tanks (USTs) for fuel storage would be located along the east side of the project site. Access to the site is via a driveway on the project’s frontage with Air Expressway in the site’s northwest corner and a second driveway at the southern end of the site connecting to Cholla Avenue accessible via Montezuma Street. A total of 71 parking spaces would be provided including 68 standard stalls and 3 ADA accessible stalls for vans. Landscaping would be provided around the site’s perimeter, around the buildings, and within the parking area. Landscaping would total 24,025 square feet. Finally, an 80 foot high “Freeway Sign” would be located in the center of the site near the truck fueling area. The sign face would have an area of 300 square feet. The project site is currently undeveloped though it has been disturbed. The project site’s zoning designation is Mixed Use (MU).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Adelanto US 395 & Air Expressway Auto & Truck Fueling and Commercial Center (CUP 22-24 and LDP 22-18)
City of Adelanto US 395 & Air Expressway Auto & Truck Fueling and Commercial Center (CUP 22-14 and LDP 22-18)