SCH Number 2023100654

Project Info

Santero Way Specific Plan Update
The City of Cotati is preparing an update to the Santero Way Specific Plan (SWSP) to update land use designations and realize the vision of a residentially focused transit-oriented neighborhood, within walking distance to the Cotati SMART Station, that also allows for mixed-use and neighborhood-serving retail development, community-serving uses, and transit-serving uses. The designated land uses will be linked to design standards and guidelines and establish a planning framework to facilitate and guide future development. Anticipated plan changes include 1) potential expansion of the plan boundary to add one or more parcels up to 4 acres; 2) potential rezoning of up to nine parcels up to 15 acres outside the Plan Area, but within 0.5 mile of the Cotati SMART Station; 3) development standards and design guidelines to ensure compatibility with existing land uses and project objectives. Rezoning is anticipated on up to 23 parcels to allow between 25-35 dwelling units per acre, and a floor area ratio (FAR) of at least 1.0 for commercial development.
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City of Cotati Santero Way Specific Plan Update
City of Cotati Santero Way Specific Plan Update
City of Cotati Santero Way Specific Plan Update
City of Cotati Santero Way Specific Plan Update