SCH Number 2023100581

Project Info

Housing Element Sites Rezone (PLN22-000476) FEIR
The proposed project would implement Program HE-1 of the adopted Placer County 2021-2029 Housing Element. HE-1 is a rezoning program to accommodate the need for low- and very low-income households as required by the RHNA allocation for the County. The Placer County Housing Element 2021-2029 includes an inventory of properties identified as candidate sites for a potential rezone program. The County is creating a new zoning district called Residential Multifamily 30 (RM30) to plan for potential sites to accommodate the RHNA calculations of units that would be suitable for low- and very low-income units. The RM30 zone district would require residential development at a minimum density of 20 units per acre and a maximum density of 30 units per acre.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Placer County Housing Element Sites Rezone
Placer County Housing Element Sites Rezone (PLN22-000476) FEIR
Placer County Housing Element Sites Rezone (PLN22-000476)
Placer County Housing element Sites Rezone (PLN22-00476)