SCH Number 2023100508
Project Info
- Title
- Vista Ranch Project
- Description
- The proposed project would expand the City of Clovis Sphere of Influence (SOI) to include the approximately 952-acre project site, which is currently outside of the SOI boundary (SOI Expansion). The proposed project would also adopt a comprehensive Vista Ranch Master Plan (Master Plan) to guide development within approximately 507 acres of the project site, and the proposed project would implement the Vista Ranch Development (Vista Ranch Development), which would develop approximately 368 acres of the Master Plan Area with mixed uses over a build-out period of approximately 10 years. The SOI Expansion and Master Plan would be analyzed at a program-level; however, the Vista Ranch Development would be analyzed at the project-level. The Vista Ranch Development would construct a mixed-use development anticipated to provide up to 2,718 residential units, including single- and multi-family units at varying densities. The Vista Ranch Development is planned to center on a mixed-use village core area surrounded by higher-density residential development, with lower residential densities toward the edges of the development, transitioning to surrounding rural/agricultural use. Within the Vista Ranch Development, new public and private roadways would enable access and circulation. The Vista Ranch Development would also include an extensive trail system to provide neighborhood connectivity, as well as safe and convenient access from residential areas to community amenities and commercial uses.
3 documents in project