SCH Number 2023100445
Project Info
- Title
- Los Angeles County South Bay Area Plan Project No.: PRJ2022-0004615
- Description
- The proposed South Bay Area Plan (Project) would guide growth and development in the unincorporated communities of the South Bay Planning Area through 2045. It would serve as part of the General Plan to direct long-range land use planning, inform various stakeholders of the County's future plans, and ensure accountability for achieving the Project's goals. The Project would amend the General Plan and Title 22 (Planning and Zoning) of the Los Angeles County Code to establish standards, goals, and policies tailored to each community's unique needs. It would also implement land use and zoning changes to facilitate housing and commercial development, ensure consistency between zoning and land use designations, and correct administrative zoning errors. Key components with the potential to result in environmental effects include land use and zoning changes in several communities to accommodate new housing and commercial uses and allowing Accessory Commercial Units on corner lots within residential zones. Implementation of these key components is anticipated to accommodate approximately 9,853 additional dwelling units, 30,745 additional residents, 787,897 additional square feet of commercial use, and 1,440 additional employees within the Project area.
2 documents in project