SCH Number 2023100192

Project Info

14624 Dalewood Street Hotel Renovation Project
The proposed project includes renovation and reopening of the existing, unoccupied 72-room hotel on a 1.23-acre site located at 14624 Dalewood Avenue. A small expansion of building area is proposed as part of the project. In order to enlarge the size of the rooms, the existing outdoor balconies would be enclosed, and the façade of the building would be redesigned to account for the removal of the balconies. In addition, an approximately 350 square-foot hotel lobby would be added and an approximately 330 square-foot steel-framed canopy would be installed over the proposed passenger drop-off zone at the entrance of the hotel. The remodel and renovation of the hotel would add approximately 3,944 square feet of total building space, increasing the hotel’s square footage from 33,768 square feet to 37,712 square feet. The proposed project would also include demolition and backfilling of the existing 950-square foot swimming pool with approximately 300 cubic yards of soil, reconfiguration of the existing parking lot to provide additional necessary parking spaces, and landscaping improvements throughout the parking lot area. Currently, the project site includes a parking lot containing 44 passenger vehicle parking spaces. The proposed project would provide an additional 18 parking spaces for a total of 62. The proposed project would also include 7,665 square feet of landscaping within the parking lot area. The current Zoning Code does not allow for hotels with less than 100 rooms within the Freeway Commercial zone, within which the project is located. Therefore, the proposed project includes a Zoning Code Amendment to reduce the minimum number of total rooms required for a hotel from 100 to 72. In addition, current parking requirements have increased, requiring a total of 76 parking spaces. As such, the project also includes a variance to allow a parking reduction for the proposed Hotel use. In addition, the proposed project includes a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the Hotel use pursuant to Section 153.050.020 of the City’s Municipal Code. Construction of the proposed project is scheduled to begin in January of 2024 and be completed in November of 2024. Construction would require minor demolition activities (i.e., approximately 10 days of demolition work), but would not involve intensive site preparation or grading activities. Demolition activities would involve removal of the hotel exterior walls to allow for an increase in the size of the rooms. The project also includes repaving of the entire parking lot.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Baldwin Park 14624 Dalewood Street Hotel Renovation Project
City of Baldwin Park 14624 Dalewood Street Hotel Renovation Project