SCH Number 2023090687

Project Info

Ladera Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Project
The proposed project includes construction of a new water supply well with ASR capacity. The Ladera ASR well would produce about 1,500 gpm and have a recharge capacity of about 750 gpm. The project would include associated aboveground improvements, including a fenced perimeter, site paving, installation of a pedestal to rest the motor on, installation of a pump, and constructing a small (8- by 12-foot) prefabricated building to house hypochlorite disinfecting solution and associated equipment, a pad to rest electrical equipment and instrumentation controls cabinet and a small shade structure to protect it. The new well and associated aboveground improvements would be within the school’s grass field area and immediately adjacent to the existing CWD facility. A new ASR well will greatly enhance the CWD conjunctive use objectives, allowing the CWD to bank water during normal and wet years and utilize the banked water during drought periods, reducing the demand on the stressed American River up to 1,200 acre-feet per year (AFY) when operated during the peak demand season of May through October. The CWD currently operates four groundwater wells in addition to its American River supply for peak demand. The wells typically include belowground (well components) and
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Carmichael Water District Ladera Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Project
Carmichael Water District Ladera Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Well Project
Carmichael Water District Ladera Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well Project