SCH Number 2023090230
Project Info
- Title
- 2023/2024 Pedestrian Safety
- Description
- This project will involve pedestrian safety improvements at nine locations within Kern County. Eight locations are along State Routes 178, and one location is on State Route 14. It has been determined that the current road markings at these locations do not conform to the latest signing and pavement marking standards outlined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Additionally, the signals at these sites either fail to meet the current standards or lack reflective borders. To rectify these issues the project involves the removal and replacement of the existing crosswalk markings, the installation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) devices at the crosswalks, and the addition of yellow, retroreflective signal borders at these nine locations within the district. The existing white crosswalk pavement markings will be removed using high pressure water blasting with a hose attachment, and new markings will be applied to the road surface. APS signals will be replaced where necessary, and they will be outfitted with reflective borders. All work will be carried out at locations that are already paved. To facilitate these improvements, lane closures will be necessary to ensure the safety of the workers, and equipment staging will occur within the closed lanes. The nine locations on SR- 178 are at post miles: 100.110; 100.608;101.100; 101.600; 102.100, 102.450;102.616; & 103.850. One location on SR 14 is at post mile 16.079.
2 documents in project