SCH Number 2023090050

Project Info

Bay & Day Commerce Center Project
The Project provides for the development of the approximately 9.9-acre Project Site as a commerce center facility, including an approximately 194,775 square foot building (inclusive of ground floor and mezzanine office space), a truck court with loading docks, passenger vehicle parking areas, and necessary site improvements (i.e., landscaping, walls/fences, lighting, signage, and utility infrastructure improvements/connections). The proposed building would be approximately 44 feet tall and would be constructed of concrete tilt-up panels, with decorative building elements provided at office areas (e.g., colored glass, metal canopies, wood fiber cement siding). The Project is being developed on a speculative basis and could operate up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The Project requires a Change of Zone to change the zoning designation for the Project Site from “Business Park District (BP)” to “Light Industrial District (LI).”
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Moreno Valley Bay & Day Commerce Center Project
City of Moreno Valley Bay & Day Commerce Center Project