SCH Number 2023080798

Project Info

Crown Point
A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to demolish an existing single dwelling unit and detached garage and construct a new 3,177-square foot two-story single dwelling unit with an attached 627-square foot garage and 1,267-square foot basement and a pool. In addition, various site improvements would also be constructed including associated hardscape and landscape. The 0.12-acre project site is located at 3622 Crown Point Drive. The project site is zoned RS-1-7 and designated Low Density Residential per the Pacific Beach Community Plan area. The project site is also within the Airport Influence Area (San Diego International Airport - Review Area 2), Federal Aviation Administration Part 77 Noticing Area (San Diego International Airport), Coastal Height Limitation Overlay Zone, the Coastal Overlay Zone (Non-Appealable 2 Area), and the Parking Impact Overlay Zone (Coastal and Beach Impact), Residential Tandem Parking Overlay Zone.
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City of San Diego Crown Point
City of San Diego Crown Point
City of San Diego Crown Point