SCH Number 2023080791

Project Info

Mirabel Transit Priority Project
The Project involves the construction of a 42-story mixed-use tower, comprised of 348 dwelling units, including 29 units set aside for Very Low-Income households, and 12,821 square feet of ground floor commercial uses. The Project would demolish 38,545 square-foot of existing commercial buildings on-site, including the historic building located at 5401 Wilshire Boulevard, which is a designated contributor to the Miracle Mile Historic District. However, the east and south façades of the existing historic commercial building would be preserved in place, rehabilitated, and incorporated into the Project. Parking would be provided in three above-ground and three subterranean levels. The Project would include a total floor area of 476,777 square feet on an 57,374 square foot lot (1.32 acres) for a FAR of 8.31:1.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Mirabel Transit Priority Project
City of Los Angeles Mirabel Transit Priority Project