SCH Number 2023080754

Project Info

CT Homes Single Family Residential Unit
Construction of a new 2,677 square-foot (sf), two-story single-family residence with attached garage, on a vacant 0.12-acre site. A total of 205 linear feet of concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall would be constructed on the north and south sides of the project site. The project would also include off-site construction of a 30-foot-wide private driveway connecting the project site to the southern terminus of Felton Street, 465 linear feet of a 6-inch public water main located beneath the proposed driveway and 321 linear feet of a 4-inch sewer lateral extending east from the project site totaling 0.315 acres of off-site development. Altogether the project area totals 0.435-acres.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego CT Homes Single Family Residential Unit
City of San Diego CT Homes Single Family Residential Unit
City of San Diego CT Homes Single Family Residential Unit