SCH Number 2023080709

Project Info

5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project
The Project would develop a new 6-story (up to a height 78-feet) mixed-use building with two (2) semi-subterranean levels, consisting of 309 residential units (including 27 Very Low Income units) and 5,600 square feet of retail space. Requested entitlements would include: Zone Code Map Amendment to change zoning from Commercial Regional Business Park (CRB) to Planned Development (PD); General Plan Map Amendment to change Land Use Designation from Regional Center (RC) to General Corridor; Comprehensive Plan to develop standards for the new PD Zone District; Density and Other Bonus Incentives (DOBI) to allow Increased Density with affordable units incorporated into the Project; and Approval for Extended Hours of Construction (CCMC Section 9.07.035.C.1).
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Culver City 5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project
City of Culver City 5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project
City of Culver City 5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project
City of Culver City 5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project
City of Culver City 5700 Hannum Avenue Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use Project