SCH Number 2023080612
Project Info
- Title
- River Ranch Mobile Home Park Water System Consolidation Project (City Case Nos. PLMR23-00182 & EROW23-00090)
- Description
- River Ranch Mobile Home Park (RRMHP) is consolidating its combined domestic and fire protection water system into the City of Victorville's public potable water system. RRMHP will cease operation of (destroy) its two groundwater wells, chlorination treatment facilities, relinquish its water supply permit, and receive water for domestic consumption and fire protection from an existing City owned water main along Stoddard Wells Road. Electrical supply equipment to the wells will be removed/deactivated. The Project involves construction of domestic water and fire connections, abandonment of existing facilities, and installation of approximately 4,300 feet of 6" pipe and 815 feet of 8" pipe within and adjacent to RRMHP. For all but approximately 50 feet of proposed pipeline, the proposed pipelines will redirect fire flow from the existing water system to a dedicated fire suppression system within the RRMHP.
2 documents in project