SCH Number 2023080034

Project Info

Monterey 2031 General Plan Update
The Proposed Plan is a targeted update to the Housing, Land Use, Safety, and Circulation Elements of the City of Monterey General Plan to respond to emerging issues and new State laws. It contains goals, policies, and programs to guide future development of up to approximately 5,800 units and 1,995 jobs within a Planning Area that encompasses approximately 8.67 square miles and 3.5 square miles of water. The Housing Element identifies suitable sites to accommodate the City's assessed share of the regional housing need through 2031 and incorporates strategies to remove barriers, further fair access to housing, and facilitate buildout of the sites. The Land Use Element introduces new land use designations and policies to foster mixed use neighborhoods and promote compatibility with airport and military operations. The Safety Element includes new data on natural hazards and climate change along with actions to strengthen community resilience and emergency evacuation capacity. The Proposed Plan also ensures consistency between the Land Use Element and newly adopted Monterey Regional Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. The Circulation Element incorporates strategies for multi-modal mobility, roadway safety, and VMT reduction.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Monterey Monterey 2031 - General Plan Update
City of Monterey Monterey 2031 General Plan Update
City of Monterey City of Monterey 2031 General Plan Update