SCH Number 2023070575

Project Info

6136 West Manchester Boulevard Project (ENV-2022-6065-SCEA)
The Project includes the development of a new approximately 416,915-squarefoot mixed-use building comprised of 489 residential units, including six (6) live-work units and 64 dwelling units set aside for Very Low-Income Households, and 16,120 square feet of ground-floor commercial space. The proposed uses would be located within an eight-story building with a maximum height of 96 feet. The Project would provide 549 vehicular parking spaces that would be located within two (2) subterranean parking levels and buffered into the first and second level of the building. In addition, the Project would include approximately 51,385 square feet of open space, including 43,235 square feet of common open space and 8,150 square feet of private open space. As part of the Project, the existing commercial structures totaling 21,911 square feet of floor area would be demolished. The Project would result in a total floor area of approximately 416,915 square feet with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 4:1.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 6136 West Manchester Boulevard Project (ENV-2022-6065-SCEA)
City of Los Angeles 6136 West Manchester Boulevard Project ENV-2022-6065-SCEA