SCH Number 2023070239

Project Info

Marcos Specific Plan Project
The project site is located at a 12.06-acre property at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Linda Vista Drive in the City of San Marcos, California. Previous structures on-site have been demolished, and the site is vacant with remaining paved areas, billboards, and the bridge crossing over Las Posas Creek. The project consists of construction of 102 multifamily residential units on 5.03 acres of the project site, and construction of 7,658 square feet (sf) of office space, 49,266 sf of specialty retail space and 7 live-work units on 6.05 acres of the project site. Residential units would be contained within 15 townhome buildings, and units would be a mix of six different unit types, ranging in size from two to three bedrooms. Additionally, the residential area would include a pool building, pool and spa area, barbeque area, picnic area, and play area for residents. The residential buildings would be located on the northwestern portion of the site, and commercial uses would be placed along the southern and eastern project boundaries. Access to the residential area would be provided via Grand Avenue at a northern driveway, and access to the commercial area would be via Grand Avenue at a southern driveway and two driveways along Linda Vista Drive. The project would provide 204 garage parking spaces for residences, 34 residential guest parking spaces, and 278 commercial parking spaces. The project would install 1 level electric vehicle (EV) charger in each garage and 2 EV chargers in the guest parking area, totaling in 106 EV charging stations. Additionally, the commercial component of the project would include 6,200 sf of solar. The project would also include circulation improvements, such as construction of a landscape buffer and a Class I bike path with a separate pedestrian path adjacent to it at its project frontage along the segments of Linda Vista Drive and Grand Avenue, installation of stop signs, and reconstruction of curb ramps located along project driveways, including detectable surface warning tactiles (yellow truncated domes).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Marcos Marcos Specific Plan
City of San Marcos Marcos Specific Plan Project