SCH Number 2023070120

Project Info

Bains on Bridge Street (GPA 23-02, RZ 23-02, EA 23-04)
Amend the General Plan Land Use Element map redesignating a 0.68-acre (approximately 30,000 square feet) parcel from the Office and Office Park (O) land use designation to the Medium-High Density Residential (HDR) designation. The HDR designation allows for a residential density range of 12 to 36 residences per acre. This designation provides for a range of attached housing types including duplexes, or multiple-family housing types. The allowed density range translates nine to 24 residences that could be constructed on this property; and Rezone the same 0.68 acres from the Office Commercial (C-O) Zone District to the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone District. The R-3 Zone District provides for a similar range of housing types as the corresponding HDR General Plan designation. There is no actual development proposed as part of this application.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Yuba City Bains on Bridge Street
Yuba City Bains on Bridge Street (GPA 23-02, RZ 23-02, EA 23-04)